The best every provocative questions

Here are my favourite provocative questions - in different ways they all challenge thinking. They have often jolted teams and individuals to look at things quite differently. Be brave try one or two questions with your team!

 What single new idea would fix almost everything?
 How would exceptional managers see this?
 What other explanations might there be?
 Which would you prefer to fail at, and why?
 Why bother with this; why not keep things as they are?
 How do you know that is right?
 How would you have perceived things X years ago?
 What have you learned about yourself today?
 What about you stops you from doing what you would love to do?
 What is good, helpful about the problem?
 What are the implications of thinking that?
 What would you tell your child to think?
 Why is it a problem for you, but not for others?
 How/why has your thinking about this developed?
 How are those similar/different?
 What would you do, if you were not you?

Please contact me for ideas and advice on using the questions. It would be good to hear from you. There's a quick "Contact me" form on the left.
